Resident Curriculum

At Brookdale, a broad range of disease pathology combines with high acuity and severity of illness. In short, Brookdale patients are sick, often in unpredictable ways. This, combined with the clinical challenges of working in a safety-net hospital produces tremendous professional growth for EM residents from the PGY- 1 to PGY – 3 years and leads to an exceptional level of clinical excellence. Along with strong didactics and 24/7 bedside teaching, our residency program results in graduates who are more than ready for the independent practice of EM- anytime, anywhere.
The amount of ED shifts per month varies by year:
-PGY-1: 17 shifts
-PGY-2: 16 shifts
-PGY-3: 15 shifts
All shifts are 12 hours in length: 7a-7p, 11a-11p, or 7p-7a. This excludes shifts before and after Wednesday conferences:
-Tuesday: 7a-7p, 11am-9pm, NO night shifts
-Wednesday: 2pm-10pm, 9pm-7am

Weekly Academic Conferences and Simulation Sessions
Academic conferences: Every Wednesday from 8 am - 1 pm
Didactic lectures and activities by Core Faculty
Morbidity & Mortality presentations by a different resident every other week
Multiple learning modalities to help you learn. We love to create educational games and more!
PGY-3 Senior Level Conference with advanced topics and skills labs February - June each year
Off-site conferences with other NYC EM residency programs: ACEP Career Day, All NYC EM
Conference in Prospect Park: during the summer/fall when weather is nice, pets are welcome!
Simulation Sessions: Every Wednesday from 8 am - 9 am
Sim sessions are held in our state-of-the-art simulation lab, includes neonatal, pediatric & adult cases
Led by our Core Faculty
3 residents working together as a team (1 from each PGY)

Curriculum by PGY-Level
1) Orientation: 4 weeks
2) Emergency Medicine: 24 weeks
3) Pediatric Emergency Medicine: 8 weeks (split into two 4-week blocks)
4) Medical ICU: 4 weeks
5) Cardiac ICU: 2 weeks
6) Anesthesia (morning) / Ultrasound (afternoon): 3 weeks
7) EMS: 3 weeks (Maimonides Medical Center)
Vacation: 4 weeks

** All rotations are completed at Brookdale Hospital, unless otherwise stated *
1) Emergency Medicine (Adult & Pediatrics): 28 weeks
2) Critical Care Medicine (CCM): 4 weeks
3) Cardiac ICU: 2 weeks
4) Surgical ICU: 4 weeks
5) Pediatric & Neonatal ICU: 4 weeks (SUNY Downstate Medical Center)
6) Orthopedics: 2 weeks
7) Ultrasound: 4 weeks
8) Pediatric Emergency Medicine: 4 weeks (Maimonides Medical Center)
Vacation: 4 weeks

* PGY-3s have previously rotated in:
Palliative Care
Interventional Radiology
Shock Trauma (University of Maryland Medical Center)
Medical Toxicology (NYC Poison Control Center)
1) Emergency Medicine (Adult & Pediatric): 34 weeks
2) Obstetrics/Labor & Delivery: 2 weeks
3) Elective*: 4 weeks
4) International Elective*: 4 weeks
5) ED Administration: 4 weeks
Vacation: 4 weeks